• Mar 25, 2025

Wordpress V/S Blogger; which one is better and why???

Wordpress vs blogger: which one is better and why?

When it comes to creating a free blog, we have the option of many different blogging platforms. For example, WordPress, Wix, Blogger, Tumblr and many more.

But today, in the case of blogging, 35% of the total websites on the Internet, blogs or websites, were created using WordPress.

Moreover, immediately after WordPress, 1% of all websites and blogs on the Internet are created using Blogger or blogspot.

WordPress and Blogger are both popular on the Internet and the best blogging platform. Using both platforms, you can easily create a modern blog.

However, there are good differences between WordPress and Blogger when we talk about their benefits and capabilities. Both platforms have their own distinct advantages and disadvantages.

The debate about this topic can be confusing. Because, a large number of users or bloggers are comfortable to use the blogger platform because they do not have to face any technical difficulties.

Again, many bloggers are comfortable with WordPress, due to its extra capabilities and features.

However, when you ask, which platform is better for blogging? Blogger or WordPress, then we need to know what is the difference between these blogging platforms.

Knowing the differences between the two platforms and what their benefits are, you can easily create a blog using either blogger or wordpress.

So, below, we have a platform for creating blogs directly, simply like "Blogger or WordPress".

What is the essential for a good blogging platform?

We need to know before we know what is blogger or wordpress? what is important to have a good blogging platform?

  • Easy to use: Hey, when it comes to a good blogging platform, that platform needs to be simple and straightforward. So, that you can easily create your own blog and focus on increasing traffic by writing content.
  • Flexibility: The platform or medium you have to choose to create a blog has to be modern. Because, using a modern platform, you will get all the features, tools and resources needed for your blog.
  • Styling and Beauty: Nowadays, the thing that is more important is its. We also have to obey this when it comes to blogging. Therefore, the blogging platform you choose should have the ability to make your blog more attractive and stylish.
  • Security: Nowadays, various online viruses or hackers try to hack various blogs or websites. In this case, your blog is created by a platform that pays special attention to online security.

Moreover, you must look at many other things like SEO, Features, Plugins, Expenses.
Now, let's know about Wordpress and blogger in details.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a simple but very powerful online tool that can be used by anyone to create a blog or website. Of the total websites on the Internet, 35% of websites or blogs were created using WordPress.
So, 1 of every 4 websites you use on the Internet is created by "WordPress".

In technical language, WordPress is an "open source CMS software" that anyone can use to create a website and blog. And, you don't need any kind of "technical knowledge" or "coding knowledge" to use WordPress.

So, do you understand what WordPress means?

What is Blogger?

Blogger is a simple online "blog publishing tool" that can be used by anyone to create a free blog.

[See More: How to Create a Free Blogger Blog?]

Blogger, a Google service that they acquired from the company "Pyra labs" in 28 days. Blogger is now a complete Google service. Therefore, to create a blog using this service, you will need a "Google Account".

You don't even need to pay money to create a blog using Blogger. Each blog created here will be hosted on Google's own server. And, you do not need to purchase hosting separately.

Moreover, you will be given a "sub-domain" with each blog. So, you can use your own blog without buying a domain separately.

However, I would not suggest you use a free sub-domain of blogger if you are thinking of "professional blogging".

So, what did you know about blogger?

Well, now we know the difference between these two platforms and which platform is the best for creating a great blog.

What are the differences between Blogger and WordPress? (Which is better)

1. Setting up a new blog

In the case of Blogger, creating a blog is just a matter of minutes. You don't need any different knowledge.

Just go to the Blogger.com website and click on the "Create your blog" option.

Then, you can create your own blog and save the title, description and theme of your blog.


In the case of WordPress, there is definitely a need for some different knowledge. WordPress is a CMS software and to use this software, you will need a web hosting account. Moreover, you need to know how to create a blog by installing WordPress on your web hosting.

So, for those who have no experience in this field, it may take some time to create a WordPress blog.

2. Proprietary rights

Now, if you have created a blog using Blogger, you are the owner or owner of your blog. However, you do not have full ownership of the blogger blog.

Your Blogger blog will be hosted on Google's own hosting server. And, you have no control over that server.

So, if Google wants to delete your blog at any time, it can do so at any time without your permission.

Moreover, if the Blogger.com service terminates suddenly tomorrow, your blogs you created with it will be closed.


If you create a blog using WordPress, the control and ownership rights for your blog will remain solely in your hands.

Because, in the case of WordPress, you will choose the hosting server as your own and you also have full control over your server. Your blog or website will continue to run as long as you close it yourself.

Moreover, for your own benefit, changing the blog, hosting server, taking backup and all other proprietary rights will remain in your hands.

In any case, no one will have the right to control your blog or website without your permission if you have created a blog using WordPress.

So, in this case, WordPress is better than blogger

3. Design & function

When it comes to, using a platform you can create an interesting and stylish blog, WordPress is my best choice. Because, you can create any kind of website in WordPress.

Moreover, there are various free and premium themes that you can use to create an interesting and modern blog.

On the official wordpress.org page, you will find a collection of more than 5 free themes. Using the customization option, you can edit any theme yourself. WordPress is an open source software, so you can add many new features and functions to your blog.

There are several free and premium plugins that you can use to upgrade your blog's default functions.

For example, adding an online store to your blog, creating a popup, showing the social sharing button, displaying the notification bar, author bio, displaying stylish email subscription forms.

Moreover, whatever function you can think of, you can add almost every function to your WordPress blog through plugin and third party integrations.


Blogger is a very profitable blogging platform for making blogs much easier and faster. However, the function, features and capabilities of this blogging platform are limited. You will love using it as a new blogger.

Here, too, you will find plugins to add different features and functions to the blog.

For example, some common plugins like ads, subscription links, contact form and so on.

However, plugins here are more less expensive than WordPress. Moreover, most of the plugins don't work. Expect to get some advanced features or functions on this platform.

Speaking of styling and design, hey you will find many free themes here too. But, the themes are not interesting or modern at all.

However, the option to buy a premium theme separately remains in your hands.

Moreover, like WordPress, to add interesting styling functions or features to your blog, you will not find plugin or extensions here.

So, if you just want to write on your blog and create a blog with a simple design and limited functions, you can use Blogger.

But, if you want to make your blog modern, beautiful and attractive without just writing it on your blog, adding to the various modern features and functions, WordPress is the best option.

4. Security

When it comes to choose the best blogging platform, there is also the issue of blog security. Because, if your blog gets hacked for some reason, you will lose a lot of important time and money.

In Blogger, you are facilitated by Google's robot, secure platform. In this case, you should not worry about any type of blog security.

Creating a blog backup, managing server resources or blog security will all be managed manually by the "robot, secure platform".

But, there is also a disadvantage in this regard.

When Blogger's server is down, your blog is down and there is nothing you can do to resume the service.


WordPress is so much safer. But, in the case of WordPress, you have to make your own head about these backup, security, login protection.

But don't worry.

You can be free to worry about these issues by using various free WordPress plugins.
For example, you can use the Wordfence plugin for Fake login protection, firewall and security.

This is a plugin that will keep your blog secure.

This way, you can use different backup plugins to backup the website. As such, UpdraftPlus is the best backup plugin.

So, in terms of security and backup, both platforms are working and convenient.

5. The costs of creating a blog

Now if we talk about the cost of building a website, BLOGGER is completely free. Using Blogger you can start a blog on the internet without spending any money.

You do not need any hosting account differently.

So, for those who want to create a free blog, blogger is a great platform.


When it comes to WordPress, you must spend a certain amount of money.

Because, as we know, CMS software for WordPress, and we need a web hosting account to install this software.

Therefore, it may take about 2000 to 3,000 rupee a year to buy this "web hosting".

Moreover, the more traffic your blog generates, the better you will have to use a "hosting server" that costs more.

[See More: What is web hosting? | Types of web hosting]

Beyond that, you won't find a "free sub-domain" like "blogger" here. Therefore, you must buy a "domain name" for your blog.

If you are looking for a free way to create a blog, then in this case the blogger wins.

However, if you want to create a blog for the purpose of "professional blogging", then it costs nothing compared to the advanced features and functions of WordPress.

6. SEO (Search engine optimization)

For a blogger, think about the topic of "search engine optimization" (SEO). Because, the good "SEO" of a blog is responsible for the future of the blog.

[See More: what is SEO|Off-page SEO|On-page SEO]

So, you need to live a blogging platform that can help you with all kinds of SEO.

Blogger's SEO:

In this case, Blogger is lagging behind and there is no comparison to WordPress's SEO optimization functions.

This is one of Blogger's most serious weaknesses.

WordPress SEO:

In terms of SEO, WordPress is very profitable and can easily be used in all kinds of SEO functions on your blog.

Of course, you can make your blog more "SEO friendly" by using a variety of free "SEO plugins".

The things you need to do in SEO, such as - Robot.txt files, sitemap, on-page seo, https redirection, are all very easy to do using a plugin.

In addition, many popular WordPress plugins for On Page SEO - Using "Yoast SEO", when writing any article, you can see if the article is using On page SEO correctly. So, when using WordPress, you won't have to worry about On Page SEO.

Now, if it is said about SEO, there is no point in talking about another blogging platform in front of WordPress.

Of course, thousands of other bloggers find and use WordPress the best for this very reason.

7. Future

The future of both Blogger and WordPress is much better. However, over the years blogger usage has dropped and more blogs have been created using "WordPress". In fact, people today want to work on blogging as a career.

Therefore, everyone wants to use a professional blogging platform for professional blogging. And, in this case, "WordPress" has proven to be a professional platform every time.

And so, the future of WordPress is far brighter than blogger.

Moreover, remember that blogger is a website that is controlled by Google. And Google reserves the right to terminate this Website or Service at any time. That's how they shut down the Google Plus service a few days ago.

However, WordPress is a CMS software that is open source. Therefore, you can download and use this software forever.

So, we find that the popularity of WordPress will increase in the future more than ever.


Finally, both WordPress and blogger are more widely used blog platforms. Since the two platforms have their own distinct niche, you have to decide which platform is best and best for you.

If you are creating a simple blog and want to share your stories (articles), you can live a simple platform like "Blogger".

But, if your goal is to create a professional blog that will help you earn money in the future, then you will need a powerful and advanced platform like "WordPress".

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