• Mar 25, 2025

8 common mistakes made by new blogger

Free traffic and visitors are not coming to your blog? You've been trying a lot, but it seems impossible to get visitors from Google Search? Then, maybe you are also making some common mistakes, for which the traffic and visitors are not coming to your blog.( Blogging mistakes for beginners).

As a blogger, when you start a new, you may not know much. And, in this case, you may have various blogging mistakes.

As a result of this kind of mistake in blogging, your blog is not getting traffic and as a result you may be frustrated and think about quitting. Of course, mistakes made in blogging can completely ruin your blogging career.

But, remember, from the very beginning, if you are aware of the common mistakes of blogging, then there will be no difficulty in getting traffic and visitors from the search engine to the blog.

So, to succeed in blogging and to become a professional blogger, don't just write articles on the blog. You need to be mindful of the mistakes that you are unknowingly making.

In this article I will tell you about three mistakes that many people are making as a new blogger. And, maybe you're shooting this mistake in your blogging career, too.

But, believe me, if you do not correct these mistakes made in blogging, you will never become a successful blogger.

New Bloggers Making 8 Mistakes (Blogging Mistakes)

What do we mean by successful blogger or professional blogger today?
A successful blogger or professional blogger means a person who is earning a lot of money online through blogging, and whose blog is generating millions of traffic and visitors.

However, if you are making the following mistakes, the chances of traffic or visitors coming from the search engine on your blog will be greatly reduced. And, as a result, your dream of becoming a successful blogger will only be a dream.

So, read and understand the things I am talking about below.

1. Using low quality hosting

About 95% of you bloggers are using low quality or cheap hosting. The hosting quality of a website or blog is entirely responsible for its success.

Because, when you use a cheap, local and bad web hosting, your blog will work a lot slower. As the loading speed of the blog is reduced, the server or website will be more down.

In this way, Google search is considered as a low quality blog, and the traffic and visitors coming from Google search is reduced by 95%.

So, when creating a blog, never make the mistake of buying a local and inexpensive web hosting. All the time, buy hosting from a good quality, reputed and branded hosting company.

👉[What is web hosting?  Types of hosting and why we need hosting?]👈

2. Do not use free domain names

If you want to earn money online from a blog as a professional blogger, you should not have to use a free domain.  I've seen a lot of Blogger blogs, who create blogs on Blogger.com and use the free blogspot domain URL Address.

Remember, a premium domain (.com, .in, .info, .org) can be purchased with much less money.  Often, the premium domain name is found nowadays from Rs.100 to Rs.300

So, by using a free domain name without buying a premium domain, your blog has possibility of getting less traffic or visitors from the search engine.

And so, maybe this is a big reason for you not to succeed in blogging career.

[What is a domain name?  Domain type and usage]

3. Do not do keyword research and optimization

Not doing "Keyword research" and "keyword optimization", write articles on the blog is one of the biggest mistakes. And, that is the reason for 95% of Blogger failures.

Keyword research

"Keyword research" is a part of search engine optimization (SEO). In this section, before writing an article on a blog, some keywords related to the topic or topic of the article are to be saved.  And, then we write the article by targeting the surviving keywords.

But, as well you need to find out first, keywords are profitable or which keywords are more searched in Google search engine.

Through Keyword Research, we can find out which keywords are profitable and which keywords will not be profitable.

As an example, 

if you are thinking of writing an article on a keyword "How to create a blog", you can know all the keywords by doing keyword research, "How many times a Google search is done", "Competition for that keyword is more or less".  .

Therefore, by doing keyword research you can easily find profitable keywords for writing articles and getting more traffic and visitors from Google search.

You need to use some online tool to do keyword research.  For example-

  • Ubersuggest (Free Keyword Research Tool).
  • Google keyword planner (Free Research Tool).
  • Ahrefs (Most Popular Tool) (Paid).
  • Semrush (Best Keyword Research Tool) (Paid).
  • Kwfinder (my favorite tool) (paid).

Finally, if you are writing an article without doing any keyword research, then there is a 95% chance that you are writing an article on the blog by targeting the wrong keywords.

And, although the quality of the article is good, the traffic and visitors are not coming from the search engine on your blog at all.

Keyword optimization

Above I talked about your keyword research. Now, through keyword research we can find profitable keywords for our blog article. But, after that we need to do keyword optimization.

Through keyword optimization, we need to use the keywords (we find) in certain areas of the blog article.

For example, 
In the article, title, description, URL address, image alt tag, in the first paragraph of the article, and in some other parts of the article.

In this, the search engine can easily understand that your article is associated with the targeted keywords. As a result, targeted keywords allow you to get more search engine traffic and visitors to your blog article.

Because of poor keyword optimization, your articles do not rank in the top 5 results of the Google search engine, despite writing good articles. And, 95% bloggers are doing this wrong.

Finally, in today's competition, if you want to succeed in blogging career and get more traffic or visitors to your blog, then you need to do "keyword research" and then "keyword optimization".

👉[What is SEO?  What is SEO work on a blog?]👈

4. Lack of consistency

I have seen many blogs and bloggers who publish articles on their blogs for a long time. Most of the month, around 6 or 2 articles are published.

And, updating the blog too late is a serious mistake.

If you want to be successful in blogging, and get more traffic and visitors from Google search, you should publish regular articles on your own blog.

If you do not work with consistency, it can be difficult to find success.

So, update your blog regularly and publish articles on your blog in less than 2 weeks.

If you publish regular articles on regular blogs, Google search will make a good impression on the blog. And, it increases the chance of getting traffic from search engines.

5. Don't write a low quality article.

I've seen a lot of bloggers, they don't use some general rules when writing articles on blogs. As a result of this mistake, what they publish, becomes a low quality article.

Nobody likes to read a low quality article and it is very difficult to get traffic from the search engine to the low quality article.

Therefore, when writing an article in a blog, following some general rules, you can improve the quality of your article.

Rules for Writing High Quality Articles -
  1. Do not write short articles. Write an article in the minimum 1000 words.
  2. When writing an article, make a small paragraph and write an article.  In this, your visitor or article that you read will be convenient to read and will also look very good and clear.
  3. Use the H tags (h2, h3, h4) in the article. 
  4. Write an article with information. Use minimum one picture related to the article in your blog. And, before uploading the image, resize and compress it well.

So friends, even before writing an article on a blog, following these general rules, writing an article will improve the quality of your article.

In this process, visitors will get good reading article and Google will easily rank your article.

The quality of the article written on the blog is the identity of your blog. And, to look successfully in this blogging career, it is important to take a good look.

6. Not using the interlinking mechanism.

I have seen 80% of the bloggers bloggers do not use the technique of interlink blog posts when writing articles. This process is one of the best medium of on-page SEO and, for better search engine optimization.

Now, as you can see in the picture above, I first used a link in some of the articles in my article.  And, that link is interlink.

Because, that link is a link to another article written on my blog. Whenever anyone clicks on that link, they will go to another article on my blog.

That way, when you write an article on a blog, you have to link to other article on the blog associated with that article.

This process is called an interlinking blog post or article. This medium is very important for SEO in the right way.

And, if you are not interlinking in the blog article, then this is your big mistake.

7. Blogging and website loading speed

There are some of you who have been meditating on the loading speed of your blog. Can you tell, how soon does your blog load?

I can, my blog is fully loaded in any web browser in just 2 seconds.

A blog with a slow loading speed, which takes more than 5 seconds to load in a browser, leaves 95% of its visitors or traffic blogs completely unopened.

So, keeping an eye on how quickly your blog or website loads in a web browser.

Moreover, In Google search engine, a blog with a slow loading speed is never good.  And, as a result, Google search engine also reduces your blog's traffic or visitors.

8. Duplicate pages are not blocked or "noindex".

Google comes to our blog through its algorithm, and goes through various links on the blog and submits them to its search results.

In this case, Google records some duplicate pages of our blog, duplicate tags and duplicate article posts.

As an example, the URL of our blog article goes to the address "www.blogaddress.com/article". And, you want Google to submit the article to your blog with this URL

But, in many cases, many Url addresses can be created in an article in a blog, which we call duplicate pages.

For example, "www.blogaddress.com/category/article" or "www.blogaddress.com/tag/article" are duplicate pages of your blog's original article page "www.blogaddress.com/original-article-url-address".

These duplicate pages show the same article or content of the original page at your original URL address.

Now, Google gets confused, and as a result, they do not understand what the actual URL address of the article in your blog is.

At the end of this content or article has different URL addresses, Google does not show any search results. Because, he takes that article or content as duplicate content.

So, we have to wonder why the traffic is not coming to the blog, why not send visitors to Google blog. But, in the meantime, there are many big mistakes that we do not understand.

So, as a blogger, never make these  mistakes.

After creating the blog, nofolow or block all categories and tag pages of the blog.  In this case you can block the blog category or tag page by using the file "robots.txt".

In this, the Google search algorithm will not record those pages in its search and search engine will not be affected of duplicate article page or duplicate url address.

Our last words,

So, friends, as a new blogger, many people are doing the mistakes I said above. And, these confusing blogging mistakes do not result in traffic or visitors coming to their blogs from Google search.

I have learned about these mistakes and learned from my mistakes during my 5 year blogging career. So, I don't want you made these mistakes,
So, that's all I told you.

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