• Mar 23, 2025

What is a website?| Types of websites | How to create a website?

Do you know?, "What is a Website"and "What kind of websites are there"? If you use the Internet, and you are interested in online technology, there are many questions that you may have in mind. What does website mean?

So, in today's article, I will explain to you what "a website means" and what kind of website it can be. Moreover, you will find many more information on this topic in this article.

What is a website and types of websites

So today, everyone has a smartphone, laptop or desktop computer. So, as we work on our mobiles or laptops, we make sure to use the Internet. This internet is most often used in "searching for information online".

In many cases, we do things like "online photo editing", "playing online games", "listening to online music", "downloading" and many more.

And, we have to use different websites to do this kind of online work through the Internet.

Remember, we use some popular "search engine" such as "Google search" and "Yahoo search" on our mobiles or computers or laptops to find various information online on the Internet. And, this type of search engine is also a kind of website.

Moreover, as a solution or answer to the information we seek, search engines offer solutions in their search results, each solution associated with a different website.

However, you really need to know exactly "what is a website" and "what the types of websites are".

What is a Website?

I'll tell you in a very simple language, so that you can better understand the meaning of the website.

A website is a mix or collection of many web pages available publicly on the Internet. Each webpage contains some information or content. Therefore, a website is created, as a result of the organization of more than one web page. These web pages are organized together, taking the form or shape of a website. However,a website is a place where many web pages are put together.

As an example, this article that you are reading is called "What is a Website" but also a web page. This web page is part of my blog website "https://blogsciencefacts.com".

And, each individual article I write on my blog website is an individual web page.

Many of these types of web pages are created in combination with my website "UnknoWn to KnoWn".

The first page or page of any website, which we call the "home page", is the main webpage of a website. And, from the homepage of the website, through "hyperlink" or clicking on "hyperlink", we can go to other web pages inside the website.

However, for any other webpage on the website, you will find almost all of these hyperlink, except the homepage. When you read the article on my blog, be sure to click on the link to various other article posts.

And, through this process you are able to navigate to different webpages on my website.

So, what does the website mean, you probably understand now?

However, you may not understand the word "webpage" very often mentioned in this article.

So let's go over the "What is a web page".

What is a Web page?

A single page of any website is called a web page.

For example, when you are reading this article on my blog, you have opened a single page on my website. And, this single page is called a webpage.

A webpage is a document, which is usually coding and writing with HTML (Hyper text markup language).

And every webpage is part of a website that can be opened using "internet" through "internet browser".

To access any webpage, you must search the webpage specific URL "ADDRESS" by typing in "WEB BROWSER" on our mobile or computer.

Moreover, by clicking on the various "Hyperlink", "Image link" or "text links" inside other websites, we can go to different web pages.

A webpage can contain many types of information such as text, graphics, audio, video and hyper links. So, what is a web page, it may be clear to you now.

Types of websites.

There are two types of web pages.

1. Static web page.

2. Dynamic web page.

What is a static web page?

A static webpage is also called a flat or stationary web page. This type of webpage loads the user's browser exactly the way it is placed on a web server. This type of webpage is created just to give you some static information. Static webpages are created using HTML only.

And, this kind of webpage is created only when there is no need to change any information on the page in the future.

What is a dynamic web page?

These types of webpages may display different information at different times. That means, the content of these dynamic webpages changes all the time.

As an example, after you and I are both logged in to Facebook, the content on our two Facebook home pages will be completely different.

So, the webpage is one, but the content is different for both of us.

Dynamic webpages can be controlled by a type of application called "server processing server side script".

How does the website work?

How the website works, the answer to this question is very simple.

Just like me and you have a room to live in, a website needs a "web server" to be active online.

On a web server, the entire file, data and content of the website are kept together.
And, when we search on our computer or mobile web browser by typing "Google chrome", "opera mini" or any other browser name, then using the internet connection, all data on the web server or website associated with that domain name Or files we see in our "web browser".

Because the domain name of a website is directly linked to the website server.

Therefore, through the domain name of any website and an internet browser we can see the content of any website on our mobile or computer.

And nowadays with the use of modern technology, css and JavaScript, our website is exposed to people in many interesting and modern ways.

However, do you know what kind of website we are using every day?

Almost every day you make sure to use the internet to collect certain information and use different types of blogs or websites.

As such, only blog website or search engine website are very popular on the Internet.

However, there are many types of websites out there, and almost every day, we are using them.

Personal / Blog websites

Blogs or blog websites have grown in popularity almost a few years ago. Because, this kind of blog website only contains content and necessary information.

For example, text, images, videos and graphics.
As an example, this website is a personal blog website.

Here, I write articles about my favorite topics and hopefully help one and a half on my blog. Everything I'm doing myself and so it can be called a personal blog or website.

You can easily create a personal blog from "blogger.com".

And, you can publish information on any blog of your choice such as "internet", "technology", "blogging", "education" or any other topic.

Image gallery websites

You have often searched the internet for pictures or wallpapers.

If you do, then there are many types of image or wallpaper websites and you may have noticed.

You will not find any information on these types of websites.

However, you will see thousands of other pictures that you can download on your computer or mobile phone.

These types of websites are called image gallery sites or stock image websites.

For example, there have been other websites like pixabay, pexels, unsplash and more.

Social networking websites.

These types of websites are very popular and popular nowadays.

For example, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

These types of social networking websites are used by people to talk to different people on the Internet, to connect with each other over the Internet, and to meet new people from overseas through the Internet.

However, creating a social networking website is not possible for everyone.
The world's most popular social networking website is "Facebook".

Online shopping websites

Many years ago, the demand or usage of these types of online shopping websites was not that high, though the demand is high nowadays.

Millions of people are almost always using an online shopping website every day. The task of online shopping websites is to "sell a product through the Internet."

Hey, today you will not find in the store next to you, you can find it on online shopping websites.

Some of the popular shopping websites like these are amazon.com, flipkart.com, amazon.in, snapdeal.com and many more.

Question answer websites.

These types of websites are used as an online answering question.

That is, a website where people can talk to each other online via text messages, giving them advice, judgment or solutions on any topic.

These types of forum websites are often used to solve a problem or answer a question.

The names of some such popular forum websites are "Quora" and "Yahoo answers".

Company websites

A company website is a general website that provides information about any company. This type of company website is built within 2 to 5 pages.

Because, on most company websites you will find HOME PAGE, CONTACT US, PRIVACY & POLICY, Services and some such information.

Therefore, company websites are just some of the most common web pages created with some general information about that company.

Our last words,

So friends, how did this article burn out today? Hope you like it and the website has become your complete knowledge of the subject.

Moreover, I have tried to give you the details of the web page, website types and other information about the website. So, if you like my article, then please feel free to comment.

Also, if you have any other issues or suggestions, you must inform them via comment. Finally, I would request that you follow Instagram and Facebook, twitter.

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